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In Module: Inworld.AI

By default, we provide a InworldServerConfig scriptable object called Prod for storing the necessary URLs used in the application. This object is typically configured within the InworldClient of InworldController.


Inspector Variables

The following inspector variables are publicly accessible:

RuntimeThe URL of the Inworld's runtime server used in NDK.
WebThe URL of Inworld's runtime server used for WebSockets.
Tutorial PageThe URL of Inworld's online documentation.
PortThe port number used for the above URLs.


TokenServerGets the URL for access runtime session token.
RuntimeServerGets the acceptable URL Scheme for the runtime server. The format will be https://xxx:port. The RuntimeServer is the server used for communication when entering play mode.


SessionURLGet the URL for the WebSocket session.sessionID: The current session ID obtained from the response of the LoadSceneRequest
LoadSceneURLGet the URL for load scene request.sceneFullName: the full name of the scene you want to load.
FeedbackURLGet the URL for sending feedback.callbackReference: the full name of the callback that is based on sessionID, interactionID, and correlationID.