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In Module: Inworld.Editor

This scriptable object stores all the settings for the Inworld Studio Panel. It is exclusively included in the InworldAI.Full unity package and can be found at Assets/Inworld/Inworld.Editor. This object is designed as a singleton. Please ensure that there is only one instance of it and that it is stored under the Resources folder.


Inspector Variables

BannerThe banner displayed at the top of the Inworld Studio Panel
ReadmeThe readme template that is initially displayed when the Unity package is loaded.
Display Readme on LoadCheck this option if you want the Readme to be displayed on load.
Character 2D PrefabThe default prefab for Character2D
RPM PrefabThe default prefab for InworldRPMCharacter
Innequin PrefabThe default prefab for InworldCharacter3D
Player ControllerThe default prefab for PlayerController
Current StatusIndicates the current page within the Inworld Editor.
User Data PathSpecifies the storage location for generated UserData.
Game Data PathSpecifies the storage location for generated GameData.
Thumbnail PathSpecifies the location for storing downloaded thumbnails.
Avatar PathSpecifies the location for storing downloaded models.
Prefab PathSpecifies the location for storing generated prefabs.
Server ConfigThe current InworldServerConfig that it is connected to.
Billing Account URLTThe URL for fetching billing account information.
Workspace URLThe url for fetching workspaces.
Key URLThe url for fetching API keys and secrets.
Scenes URLThe url for fetching InworldScenes.


InstanceGets an instance of InworldEditor. By default, it is located at Assets/Inworld/Inworld.Editor/Resources/InworldEditor.asset. Please do not delete it.
BannerGets the banner image displayed at the top of the Inworld Studio Panel.
LoadedReadmeGets/Sets whether you want the Readme to be displayed upon loading.
ReadMeGets the default Readme asset.
StatusGets/Sets the current status of Inworld Editor.
LastStateGets the last Editor State.
CurrentStateGets the current Editor State.
UserDataPathGets the location for generating and storing user data.
GameDataPathGets the location for generating and storing game data.
ThumbnailPathGets the location for downloading and storing thumbnails.
AvatarPathGets the location for downloading and storing user data.
PrefabPathGets the location for generating and storing the prefabs for the InworldCharacter.
Is3DGets whether the current Inworld Character prefab is 3D.
PlayerControllerGets the current PlayerController prefab.
UseInnequinGets whether it's using Innequin model.
ControllerPrefabGets the default prefab for InworldController.
DefaultPrefabGets the current default prefab for the InworldCharacter.
RPMPrefabGets the current prefab for the InworldCharacter with Ready Player Me implementation.
InnequinPrefabGets the current prefab for the InworldCharacter with Innequin implementation.
TokenForExchangeGets/Sets the token used for logging into Inworld Studio.
TokenGets the actual token part.
TitleStyleGets the GUI style for the title in Inworld Studio Panel.
ErrorStyleGets the GUI style for the error text in Inworld Studio Panel.
BtnStyleGets the GUI style for the button in Inworld Studio Panel.
DropDownStyleGets the GUI style for the drop down fields in Inworld Studio Panel.
BillingAccountURLGets the URL for fetching billing account information.
ListWorkspaceURLGets the URL for listing workspaces.
ErrorGets/Sets the current error message. When setting this property, it also updates the current status of InworldEditor.


GetErrorRetrieve error messages. If it's related to Unauthorized, provide a more descriptive explanation.strErrorFromWeb: The error message received.
GetLuminanceGet the luminance of an image. This is used to determine the text color that contrasts well with the image.color: The color of a pixel.
BtnCharStyleGet the GUI style for the text displayed on the character the character's thumbnail.
ListScenesURLGet the URL for listing Inworld scenes.wsFullName: the full name of the target workspace.
ListKeyURLGet the URL for listing keys.wsFullName: the full name of the target workspace.
SaveDataSave all the current scriptable objects.