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Release Notes

June, 2024

Version 2024-0625

New Features

  • Voice Studio. Without needing to create a character, this feature allows you to seamlessly listen to Inworld’s full library of diverse voices, adjust pitch or talking speed, and download samples, all with the click of a button.
  • YAML Goals Visualizer. A new set of shortcuts, copying and pasting triggers, and node visualizations are now available when enabling or disabling Goals Mutations, allowing you to work faster and with more clarity when creating Goals and Actions for your characters.
  • Studio Onboarding Tour. Experience a guided tour of Inworld Studio, with step-by-step guidance for key actions, such as creating and editing a Character. Tours can be triggered by going to: Profile Settings → Manage Account → Launch Tour.


  • Updated Integration Tab UI. This updated tab offers cleaner access and management of the Inworld Studio API and Runtime API keys from the Integrations tab in Inworld Studio.
  • Legacy Voice Deprecation. Thanks to the improvements with Inworld’s new voices, the legacy voice library has been deprecated and characters using the older voices have been automatically migrated to either their new updated voice equivalents or a default voice at no cost. Existing characters can be switched to use any of the new voices as needed.
  • Voice Pitch Slider. Due to popular demand, we have introduced the ability to change the pitch of individual voices for Inworld’s new voices, which brings back a functionality that existed with the older legacy voices.
  • Enhanced Code Editor. Experience a full screen YAML editor when configuring your game mechanics, with side-by-side sample code and documentation.
  • Studio Access Token Deprecation. Starting from Unity SDK 3.5 and Unreal SDK 1.7, the Studio Access Token is being deprecated and replaced with Studio API Base64, for the purposes of logging into the Inworld Panel in Unity and Unreal SDKs. This change is being made to ensure user account security.


  • Chat Bubbles No Longer Remain: Due to a race condition, chat bubbles were displaying when canceling a response.
  • Unity: Audio Exception Fixed: An audio capture exception no longer occurs when the mic is set to 44.1khz.
  • Unity: Blurry Shadows and Textures. Sample scene RPM Characters no longer display blurry shadows and textures. Previously, ReadyPlayerMe characters were displaying low-res textures and shadows, causing them to appear blurry.
  • Unity & Unreal: Lip-sync and 2.0 Voices. Lip sync no longer continues through to the end of utterances when using Inworld's new 2.0 voices. Before, lip-sync could cut off several seconds before the audio was finished.
  • Unreal: Scaling Inworld Images. Images are now correctly scaled in the Unreal editor plugin. Before, logos and character images would not scale with the size of the editor window.
  • Node-js: Missing onMessage Callback. Added missed onMessage callback to the change scene method.
  • Web: Push-to-Talk. An error involving using both push-to-talk and open mic in the same session has been fixed. Previously, if both push-to-talk and open mic were used in a single session, an error would occur in the console.

February 22, 2024

Version 2024-0221


  • Improved auto reconnection in Unity (package updates to be deployed)
  • Improved session management (package updates to be deployed)
  • Unreal Playground Updates
    • Enable save & restore sessions
    • Added showcase for Dynamic Contextual Awareness
    • Added showcase for Interactable Items


  • Voice Panel UI updated. With this new UI release, we are also releasing over 20 new voices to support more use cases across various experiences.
  • Arcade UI Update
  • Add Copy character feature to Arcade

Runtime Character

  • Enhanced Narrative Actions control
  • Knowledge Addition/Removal via Character Mutations updated

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where regeneration slider can jump back to the first frame
  • Fixed a bug in Arcade where category links overflowed

January 24, 2024

Version 2024-0123


  • Updated the copyright claim for the current year.
  • Modified the terms of the Inworld SDK License.
  • Enhanced the Unreal SDK to improve narrative control capabilities from the client side.
  • Added Goals and Actions showcase to the Unity Playground.


  • Added indicators to display the current language in the workspace.
  • Improved the clarity and user experience of the "Confirm Import" notification.


  • Fixed an issue where the system assumed player responses.
  • Enabled dynamic configuration of data retrieval settings.
  • Resolved the issue where the LoadedScene event was not being dispatched.
  • Fixed asset propagation issues occurring during event loading.

January 10, 2024

Version 2024-0109

Large Language Models (LLM)

  • Multilingual Support. Beta for Mandarin (Simplified Chinese) and Korean language support.
  • Direct LLM Prompting. Deployed individual service for direct LLM prompting.
  • Infrastructure Improvements. Ongoing enhancements to the underlying infrastructure for better performance and reliability.
  • LLM Voice Improvements. Continue LLM quality voice improvements.

Runtime Character

  • Relationships. Various improvements to customizable relationships.
  • Goals. Various improvements to goals mutations.
  • Error Messages. Enhanced error messaging in GRPC status details.
  • Broken Links. Fixed broken links in Studio.

Godot SDK

  • Godot SDK. We are thrilled to announce the release of our open-source Godot SDK. It's now available for developers and enthusiasts to explore and contribute.
  • Documentation. Documentation can be found both in the repository's README and on our docs site, providing guidance for using the SDK.

December 20, 2023

Large Language Models (LLM)

  • ASR v1 Rollout. Gradual implementation of ASR version 1.
  • Infrastructure Improvements. Ongoing enhancements to the underlying infrastructure for better performance and reliability.
  • LLM Voice Improvements. Continue LLM quality voice improvements.

Runtime Character

  • Relationship Trigger Update. Added relationship numeral value changes as a trigger mechanism (see Relationships).
  • SDK Method Update. SDK methods now include numeral value changes to trigger.
  • Emotions and Relationships Consolidation. Merged emotions and relationships into a single LLM call for streamlined processing.


  • Demo Completion. Finalized the Mutations demo for Playground.