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Getting Started

We suggest that you start by reviewing the sample scenes provided in our Unity Integration package before incorporating your own scene. This will help ensure a smooth integration process.

Here is a useful walkthrough of how to get started with adding InworldAI to Unity:

1. Importing the full SDK package

⚠️ Note: If you have previously used an older version of the Inworld AI Unity SDK, We recommend you to delete the Inworld folder from your Assets folder before importing the new package, as compatibility issues may arise.

If you have obtained the package from GitHub, there are three ways methods to import the Inworld AI Unity SDK unitypackage into your scene:

  1. Open Unity and navigate to Assets > Import Package > Custom Package. Then, select the unitypackage you downloaded.
  2. Drag the downloaded unitypackage into Unity's Project panel.
  3. If you have only one instance of Unity running, double-click the downloaded unitypackage.

When the Import Unity Package dialog appears, click the Import button:


If you have obtained the package from the Unity Asset Store, you can simply click Open in Unity in the browser.

Alternatively, within Unity, go to Window > Package Manager, navigate to My Asset, select AI NPC Engine v3.0, and click Import.


⚠️ Note: This package will contain both a tarball and a unitypackage. Once imported the Inworld plugin will need to extract it's art assets and importat a number of dependencies inworld-unity-core, Newtonsoft Json and GLTFast. This process will take approximately 5 minutes.

Innequin Sample Scene

In Assets > Inworld > Inworld.Samples.Innequin > Scenes, you will find the 3D Innequin sample scene. This shows how Innequin is set-up with an InworldCharacter component, animation controller, and animations, as well as lipsync.

Talking to the Character

After pressing the Play button, please wait until the Inworld server has been connected. The avatar Innequin will wave at you, and then you can start speaking to the character.


⚠️ Note: If you change your audio input (i.e swap microphone input) during runtime, the new voice will not be recognized until you restart the app or re-enter Play Mode. Restarting the app will cause the change to take effect.

Typing to the Character

Press the ~ button to open or close the text input panel during runtime. While the text input panel is open, you can type sentences to the character.


Sending Narrative Actions

Input a * at the start of any text input to send that text as a narrative action.


Speech to Text

While the text input panel is open, you can hold the Record button to record your sentences using your microphone. Release the button to send the recorded message.


2. Importing the core package

⚠️ Note: By default, the contents under Packages in a Unity project are read-only. If your project references InworldAI.Lite solely through the Package Manager, please copy the Packages/Inworld.AI/Runtime/Scenes/Sample2D.unity to your Assets folder.

If you only want to download the core package, you can go to the page, download the most recent .tgz package. Then in Unity, select Window > Package Manager, click the button +, then select Add package from tarball, and navigate to the path of your downloaded tarball file.


Sample 2D Scene

In Assets > Inworld > Inworld.Assets > Scenes, you will find a sample scene Sample2D. You can interact with the character Innequin by 2D chat panel.

This sample scene is also included in InworldAI.Lite, only this sample is accessible.

Import Text Mesh Pro

The Inworld AI Unity SDK requires "Text Mesh Pro", which is included with Unity and automatically imported by our full SDK by default. If you are opening any Unity scene inside Inworld Unity package, or opening the Inworld Studio Panel for the first time, please click Import in the dialog for "Text Mesh Pro" if it appears.

Typing to the character

You can type sentences, and press the "Enter" or Send button, to send a message to the character.


Speech to Text

Alternatively, you can hold down the Record button, speak your message, and then release Record to send a voice message.

⚠️ Note: If you are building a WebGL application, the microphone is not supported, so the Push-to-talk feature is not available either.


3. Explore More Features

If you are looking to perform specific actions, check out the Change User Name tutorial.

For insights into the various sample scenes, delve into the Sample Scenes section.

If you want to discover more about Inworld's versatile features, explore the Unity Play Ground chapter.

And if you are eager to seamlessly integrate your custom characters into your game, take a look at the Integrate Inworld to your Scene guide.