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Common Knowledge

Common Knowledge defines general information that is known by more than one character.

This can include world-building information that all characters within a specific setting should be aware of, or it can define knowledge that is only known to a specific group of characters.

For example, everyday NPCs in a fantasy world might be generally ignorant of the existence of magic, while wizards and experienced adventurers may be well aware that magic exists, and some even know how to wield it.

Only Essential Worldbuilding Information

Common Knowledge should only be used for essential worldbuilding information.

This information should convey any necessary context that is critical for a character to stay in-character. For best results, each character should only have one set of common knowledge with a core description.

Creating Common Knowledge

To create Common Knowledge for your character, follow the steps below:

1. Create New Knowledge

Navigate to the Common Knowledge tab in the sidebar and click the Create New Common Knowledge button.

Open Common

2. Enter Name and Description

Next, enter a Name for your Common Knowledge, and a brief Description for the type of knowledge it contain.

Name Descript

3. Enter Facts and Information

Finally, enter the desired information into the Facts and Information field provided.


When entering this information, keep in mind the following rules in mind.

Break Up Knowledge

Break up facts and knowledge into individual statements about the subject, with a new line for each statement.

Write in Complete Sentences

Assure that each individual line is a complete, self-contained sentence that mentions the subject in some way.

Maximum Length

You may include up to 1000 lines in the Facts and Information field, with a maximum length of 300 characters per line.

Common Knowledge and Core Description

An AI character will regularly surface Common Knowledge by cross-referencing it with information in their Core Description.

Therefore, it will improve character performance if you also reference a character's relationship with a category of Common Knowledge within their Core Description.

For example, a futuristic doctor who is familiar with cyborgs would have both (1) access to the Cyborg Common Knowledge, and (2) their affinity for this knowledge would be referenced in their Core Description.