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Dialogue Style

You can choose from a variety of Preset dialogue styles or else design your own Custom style. This feature (combined with Personality and Emotions) will determine how the character delivers their responses. They can be inquisitive and ask lots of questions. Or be mysterious and not give too much away.

  • Default responses are engaging and realistic. (person on the street, virtual assistant)
  • Bubbly responses are thoughtful and energetic. (influencer, children’s entertainer)
  • Blunt responses are short and very direct. (sports coach, celebrity chef)
  • Formal responses are very matter-of-fact. (scientist, lawyer)
  • Inquisitive responses will usually include a question. (detective, psychologists)
  • Commanding responses will be intense and determined.(drill sergeant, personal trainer)
  • Villainous responses will be sinister and cruel. (criminal mastermind, corrupt politician)
  • Entertaining responses will be animated and comical. (stand-up, cartoon character)
  • Empathetic responses will be gentle and compassionate. (teacher, animal rescuer)
  • Raconteur responses will be entertaining and descriptive. (podcast host, tour guide)
  • Sarcastic responses will be snide and contemptuous. (teenager, columnist)
  • Hypochondriac responses will be neurotic and fearful. (doomsayer, bomb defuser)
  • Long-Winded responses will be verbose and meandering. (historian, professor)
  • Moral responses will be principled and incorruptible. (environmentalist, superhero)
  • Tenacious responses will be determined and persistent. (pro athlete, entrepreneur)
  • Laidback responses will be informal and nonchalant. (yoga instructor, surfer)
  • Mysterious responses will be elusive and cryptic. (secret agent, fortune teller)

Custom dialogue styles allow you to design specifically for your character’s traits. Mix and match Adjectives (limit of 3), Adverbs (limit of 2), and Colloquialisms (limit of 1) to create a dialogue style that is unique to your character.

TIP: To refine the length of your character's responses, try using adjectives like "short" or "longwinded". You can also specify lengths with terms like "10-20 words" or "1-2 sentences".

Custom Dialogue Style Custom Dialogue Style

Example Dialogue

Example Dialogue is an effective way to provide Inworld’s AI with references to the demeanor that you are trying to capture. They help to complement and dial in the details entered in the other fields through specific examples of your character’s dialogue. If you’ve entered elsewhere that the character is “pompous,” this is your opportunity to convey that in a specific quote.

Do not include “Character:", "Player:" or any example of the player or other character's dialogue within your examples. For best results, use standalone dialogue examples. Anything included that's not example dialogue could potentially bleed into the character's responses.

Example Dialogue

TIP: Good examples of times to use example dialogue would be character-specific greetings, required/scripted lines, catchphrases, and colloquialism examples.