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Module: Inworld.AI. Namespace: Inworld.Interactions. Inherited from MonoBehavior

This class is the general interaction component of Inworld character. In Inworld, InworldInteraction is used to render the conversation received from the Inworld server.


ContinueKeyThe KeyCode for manually playing the next utterance.
SkipKeyThe KeyCode for skip the current utterance.
ContinueButtonThe UI Button displaying indicate to continue.
InterruptableDetermines whether this character's speaking is interruptable.
AutoProceedDetermines whether player needs to manually press the ContinueKey to play the next utterance.
MaxItemCountThe maximum items (chat bubbles) supported storing in the interaction.
TextSpeedMultiplierThe speed of rendering chat bubbles.


AnimFactorGets the factor for selecting animation clips.
If without Audio, it's a random value between 0 and 1.


IsRelatedIf the target packet is sent or received by this character.packet: the target InworldPacket.
CancelResponseInterrupt this character by cancelling its incoming sentences.
Hard cancelling means even cancel and interrupt the current interaction.
Soft cancelling will only cancel the stored interactions.
isHardCancelling: If it's hard cancelling. By default it's true.