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Godot SDK

⚠️ Support Note: The Godot SDK is built and maintained by the developer community. Inworld will maintain the basic functionality of initially released features of this SDK, while continuous development and new features will be driven by our community. If you're keen on contributing to the Godot SDK, we welcome your involvement! For guidance on how to contribute, see GitHub.


Download the latest version of the Inworld AI Godot SDK on our GitHub.


Supported Platforms


Supported Godot Versions


⚠️ Note: It is recommended to utilize headphones when using voice.

Sample project

A sample Godot project utilizing the Inworld SDK is included and can be found in the 'Project' folder.

To get started, either self-build the GDExtension, or copy a pre-built version to the /Project/addons/inworld directory.

For instructions for cloning the sample Inworld workspace and configuring the nodes to use the clone, please reference the included file.