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Module: Inworld.AI. Namespace: Inworld.Interactions.

This class is used for caching the current conversation and audio session.


CharacterThe target InworldCharacterData.
ConversationThe current Conversation status.
AudioSessionThe current AudioSession status.
IsConversationGet/Set the conversation mode.
NameThe current target. It's the current InworldCharacterData's given name or The chat group if it's in group chat mode.


UpdateLiveInfoUpdate the current status based on the incoming characters or conversation.brainName: the full name of the InworldCharacterData, or set to null if it's a conversation.
UpdateMultiTargetsUsed only in the group chat mode. Update the target characters that are in the chat group.conversationID: the target ID of the Conversation, by default it's InworldCharacterHandler's ConversationID.
brainNames: the list of the full name of the InworldCharacterData in the conversation.
UpdateSingleTargetUsed only in the single character mode. Update the target character.brainName: the full name of the InworldCharacterData.
StartAudioSessionUpdate the status of the audio session to be started.packetID: the PacketID of the AudioPacket.
StopAudioSessionRemove the current cached audio session ID and its target or targets.


Module: Inworld.AI. Namespace: Inworld.Interactions.

This class is used for caching the current status of the conversation mode (group chat mode).

IDThe ID of the conversation.
StatusThe status of the current conversation, by default is EVICTED.
BrainNamesThe list of the brainNames of the InworldCharacters that are in the chat group.


Module: Inworld.AI. Namespace: Inworld.Interactions.

This class is used for caching the current status of the audio session. Because in Inworld, currently we can only support one AudioSession per connection.

IDThe ID of the audio session.
IsConversationDetermine if this audio session is based on a conversation.
TargetEither character's brain Name or ConversationID.
HasStartedIf the audio session has started. Server will not send any callback for the AudioEvents, so we need to track on our own.
IsSameSessionGet if the target is the same session, to avoid starting the same session twice, which will cause exception in our back end.brainName: the target full name of the InworldCharacter