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Module: Inworld.AI Namespace: Inworld.Entities

This file defines the data structures for hosting all the UnityEvents of the InworldCharacter. The first parameter is the character's brain name.


onCharacterSelectedTriggers when the InworldCharacter is selected as the CurrentCharacter.
onCharacterDeselectedTriggers when the InworldCharacter is deselected as the CurrentCharacter.
onCharacterDestroyedTriggers when the InworldCharacter is destroyed.
onBeginSpeakingTriggers when the InworldCharacter begins speaking.
onEndSpeakingTriggers when the InworldCharacter ends speaking.
onInteractionEndTriggers when the ControlPacket of INTERACTION_END is received by the character.
onPacketReceivedTriggers when the InworldCharacter receives any InworldPackets.
onCharacterSpeaksTriggers whenever the InworldCharacter speaks a sentence. The other parameter is the text of the sentence.
onEmotionChangedTriggers when the Emotion of the InworldCharacter has changed. The other parameter is the string of the incoming emotion.
onGoalCompletedTriggers when any Goal is received and completed. The other parameter is the name of the goal you defined in the studio.
onRelationUpdatedTriggers when any RelationEvent is received and updated.


RemoveAllEventsRemoves all the listerners of all the character events of the InworldCharacter.