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Module: Inworld.Assets. Namespace: Inworld.Sample. Inherited from: AudioCapture

This class serves as a global audio capture controller designed for testing audio device input.

Inspector Variables

DropDownThe UI element used to display a list of available audio input devices.
TextThe text displayed in the drop-down field to indicate the selected audio input device.
VolumeThe volume control bar.
MicButtonThe button for toggling microphone mute/unmute.
CalibButtonThe button for recalibrate
MicOnThe sprite representing the microphone in an "on" state.
MicOffThe sprite representing the microphone in an "off" state.


UpdateAudioInputChange the current audio input device based on the selection from the drop-down field.nIndex: The index of the audio input device to set as the current input.
SwitchMicrophoneToggle the mute/unmute state of the microphone.