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The UInworldPlayerComponent implements Inworld::IPlayerComponent and is the default messaging component supposed to be added to Player Pawn. This component is supposed to be used as is but can be substituted by a custom Player Component that implements Inworld::IPlayerComponent.

namespace Inworld
class IPlayerComponent
virtual ICharacterComponent* GetTargetCharacter() = 0;


Set Target Character

Sets the character for the player to interact with.

Set Target Character

Get Target Character

Gets the character that the player is interacting with.

Get Target Character

Clear Target Character

Stops the player's interaction with its target character.

Clear Target Character

Is Interacting

Gets if the player is currently interacting with a character.

Is Interacting

Send Text Message To Target

Sends a message of type text to the target character.

Send Text Message To Target

API Send Text Message

Send Custom Event To Target

Sends a custom event to the target character.

Send Custom Event To Target

API Send Custom Event

Send Audio Message To Target

Sends a message of type audio to the target character.

Send Audio Message To Target

API Send Audio Message

Start Audio Session With Target

Starts an audio session with the target character.

Start Audio Session With Target

API Start Audio Session

Stop Audio Session With Target

Stops an audio session with the target character.

Start Audio Session With Target

API Stop Audio Session

Helper Components

To get started quickly with Inworld, some example components for handling character targeting and managing audio sessions are bundled with the plugin. When a player pawn containing an Inworld Player Component also contains an Inworld Player Targeting Component, Inworld Player Audio Capture Component, an Unreal Engine Audio Capture Component, the player will be able to talk to Inworld Characters within a range using a microphone. It is encouraged to create your own components if you have use cases that are not covered by this implementation.

Inworld Player Targeting Component

Default component for choosing the target Character component. The component searches the target based on distance and camera direction.

Interaction Distance

Minimum distance to start interacting with an Inworld Character.

Interaction Dot Threshold

How close the player must be facing the direction of the character to interact.

Inworld Player Audio Capture Component

Default component for capturing audio from a mic. It requires standard Unreal Engine AudioCaptureComponent.

⚠️ The Unreal Engine AudioCaptureComponent must have the Base Submix set to '/Inworld/DefaultMuteMicSubmix', or the player will hear themselves.

Set Muted

SetMuted will set the muted state of the input capture device. In the muted state, audio will not be processed.

⚠️ Note: To implement push-to-talk, simply SetMuted to false on key press, and SetMuted to true on key release.

Set Muted

Acoustic Echo Cancellation

To enable Echo Cancellation on Inworld Player Audio Capture Component check Enable AEC option.

Player AEC

With this option checked output audio is captured and passed together with input audio to SendAudioDataMessageWithAEC method where audio is filtered before being sent to server.