Playback Types
Several built-in playback types are available in the SDK. These fit common use cases among users, and can be used as-is, be modified, or used as reference in creating custom playback types for custom needs.
Playback Audio
Default Audio Playback that handles Utterance messages and uses an Unreal Engine AudioComponent to play sound.
On Utterance Started
Bind an event to notify when the character starts to utter a message.
On Utterance Stopped
Bind an event to notify when the character stops uttering a message.
On Utterance Interrupted
Bind an event to notify when the characters uttering is interrupted.
Get Remaining Time For Current Utterance
Gets the remaining time in seconds of the current utterance sound.
On Silence Started
Bind an event to notify when the character starts a silence pause.
On Silence Stopped
Bind an event to notify when the character stops a silence pause.
Get Viseme Blends
Gets the current viseme blends for the character.
On Viseme Blends Updated
Bind an event to notify when the character viseme blends are updated.
Playback Control
Default Control Playback that handles control messages.
On Character Interaction End
Bind an event to notify when an interaction has completely finished.
Playback History
A playback that maintains a log of interactions between the character and player.
On Interactions Changed
Bind an event to notify when the interaction log has been updated.
Get Interactions
Gets the list of interactions between the character and player.
Playback Text
Default Text Playback that handles text between the character and player.
⚠️ Text messages may change while speech to text is updating. Utilize text ids to maintain identification of text events.
On Character Text Start
Bind an event to notify when the character or player has initiated text communication.
On Character Text Changed
Bind an event to notify when the character or player has a text communication that has changed.
On Character Text Final
Bind an event to notify when the character or player has a text communication that will no longer change.
Playback Trigger
A Trigger Playback that simply enables Triggers.