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Tutorial: Talking Cube

Talking Cube


This page will guide you through the creation of a simple cube that is powered by Inworld! This can act as a good first test in creating custom Inworld characters within Unreal Engine.


This guide will assume that you have already created an Inworld Studio Workspace, and have setup both an Inworld Player, and an Inworld Scene.

Creating the Talking Cube

Create a new Actor Blueprint by right-clicking within the Unreal Engine Content Browser and selecting Create Basic Asset > Blueprint Class.

Cube Create Blueprint

From the resulting Pick Parent Class popup, select Actor.

Cube Parent Class

Name the resulting Blueprint asset BP_TalkingCube.

Cube Blueprint Asset

Open up the BP_TalkingCube Blueprint asset, and select + Add > Cube. This will add a cube mesh to our Actor.

Add Cube Mesh

At this point, you may simply wish to use our Quick Setup to add the required Inworld Components. However, for this tutorial, we will add them manually.

Add an AudioComponent by selecing + Add > Audio, and an InworldCharacterComponent by selecting + Add > Inworld Character.

Add Cube Audio Add Cube Inworld

Edit the InworldCharacterComponent's default values. Set the desired brain name for the Cube, and add an InworldCharacterPlaybackAudio so that the audio data is sent through the Audio Component that was created.

Configure Cube Character

Ensure that your Cube Blueprint looks like the following, and isn't missing any of the required components.

Cube Components

Lastly, drag and drop your new BP_TalkingCube into your level. Press play, and talk to the cube using your microphone. It will talk back!

Cube In Map